Has Your MSP Been Breached?
You’re only as secure as the company handling your IT security, right? If they’re vulnerable to cybercriminals, then so are you. You can’t only be thinking about your cybersecurity. You have to consider your MSP’s cybersecurity as well.
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Has Your MSP Been Breached?
You’re only as secure as the company handling your IT services, right? If they’re vulnerable to cybercriminals, then so are you. You can’t only be thinking about your cybersecurity. You have to consider your MSP’s cybersecurity as well.
You hear about small businesses and massive enterprises getting hacked on nearly a daily basis. It’s regular news at this point, so you probably tune it out, right?
Even still, ransomware is a big threat to businesses like yours:
As dangerous as ransomware is for you, unfortunately, your security isn’t all that matters…
Is Your MSP A Target For Ransomware?
It’s especially dangerous when an MSP gets hacked, because they often have access to all their clients’ data. In effect, all their clients are hacked as well. Third-parties involved with your business — either directly, or in concert with your MSP — are a part of your supply chain. How they perform affects how you perform.
Is Your MSP Secure?
You need to be confident that your MSP can protect you, as well as themselves. If you’re at all unsure, then do your due diligence and inquire about their security standards and practices. Ask how they are protected from cybercrime, and what makes them different from other IT companies that have been hacked.
SSE Delivers Cybersecurity Expertise You Can Rely On
The SSE team understands that our cybersecurity is just as important as the cybersecurity we manage for our clients. Over our 30+ years in business, we’ve gained extensive experience in protecting both our business and our clients’ businesses against cybercriminal attacks.
Our team provides cybersecurity and technology services for organizations across the United States across multiple, highly regulated industries — we are available to help you develop a robust cybersecurity defense.
Cybersecurity Is About More Than Just Your Cybersecurity
If you truly have your success in mind, you need to manage your third parties effectively — or your MSP should be doing it for you.
You can find out about our cybersecurity standards in three simple steps